Our Capabilities
By utilizing our significant base of proprietary technology and knowledge, our analytics team provides custom analyses on markets, competitors, economics, and feasibility. It’s our mission to see attractions planned and built in an efficient, sustainable, and feasible manner.
Detailed mapping and layout benchmarking:
Benchmark the best.
Our team excels in creating detailed maps and layouts of global comparable benchmarks, detailing areas by land use. These studies are utilized by strategic planners to design their own facilities.
A world-renowned management consulting firm commissioned us to provide detailed land use breakdowns for two dozen of the top attraction-anchored resorts in the world.
Financial, business plan, and demand audits:
Discover and validate underlying assumptions.
Drawing on our world-class database of attractions and their performance, we conduct thorough audits of existing plans and studies, validating the economics of the project.
A Hollywood-based movie studio turned to us to validate an existing feasibility study for a new, $2 billion European theme park. We discovered that its underlying performance assumptions were 20% higher than those observed in any park in the region, helping reset negotiations in our client’s favor.
Concept recommendations and positioning:
Shape unique leisure concepts.
Our economic expertise with the full spectrum of attraction types around the world helps you create unique attractions, positioning your project for success in its competitive landscape.
For a cable car operator that is one of the largest attractions on the Black Sea, we helped explore novel, additional experiences intended to lengthen stays as the summit and encourage additional spending. These encompassed a range of senses, durations, and targeted age ranges.
Site selection studies:
Compare sites.
Leveraging our advanced analytics and insights, we provide crucial insights into the demographics, accessibility, and competition of candidate sites, and guide you to the ideal location.
For a best-in-class waterpark operator seeking to expand, we evaluated three sites in Latin America, comparing them along demographic, competitive, accessibility, financial, and strategic factors. The client proceeded into land negotiations using our selected site.
Demand and sizing studies:
Understand the market potential.
After evaluating your project’s potential demand, we help determine its optimal scale, ensuring it meets the market’s needs while optimizing operational efficiency – and profitability.
We have conducted multiple sizing studies for top developers in Vietnam, who were seeking to acquire and set aside efficient, but adequate levels of land for new attraction-anchored resorts across the country.
Reliable market values.
We provide reliable market values of your project, ensuring a solid foundation for investment decisions and financial planning.
A large publicly listed company in China sought to acquire a world-class resort in Southeast Asia. We led the due diligence and valuation process, using interviews and on-the-ground intelligence to make up for the lack of transactional data.
IP activation plans:
Breathe life into your projects.
Our studies outline the economics of a location-based entertainment strategy for your brand, and help you understand its activation potential.
We work with both IPs and the developers seeking them. Brands we have worked with, introduced, or helped activate in entertainment projects include those from luxury consumer goods companies, videogame manufacturers, and animation studios.
Competitive benchmarking:
Stay ahead.
We analyze key players in the market landscape to provide you with actionable insights to best position your project, adapt, and innovate.
To help position a chain of new FECs being built in the Middle East, we conducted a deep dive into the existing inventory of rides and games in its market, while examining consumer patterns and concerns. Our recommendations shaped our client’s ultimate attraction program.
Master plan and new town attractions:
Assemble the right mix.
Our team specializes in validating attractions for large scale themed resorts and master planned cities, ensuring the right mix of anchors and complementary elements for maximum appeal and positioning.
We have conducted several studies for master-planned new town developments in the 2,000+ ha range, across Asia and the Middle East, taking charge of recommending the leisure and entertainment program, and validating demand and sizing.
Custom data packages:
Tailored to your specific needs, our service enables you to discover insights and make better-informed, strategic decisions.