The data is aggregated weekly from published, public sources. We do our best to cite our sources, but when they are not cited, they are either from visits to the park (physical or virtual!) or are best-guess estimates made by our brainy analysts.
Good question. This is the estimated enterprise value of the attraction, or what someone with a lot of money would pay to take it over. Now, your follow up question is probably:
We use comparables in two ways.
The stock market actually assigns an enterprise value for the publicly traded theme park chains every day. This is the case with Cedar Fair, Disney, and so on. We assume that the value of a Disney park is likely not that different on any given Wednesday compared to Tuesday, so our values are average annual values based on the average annual value of the park during the preceding year.
The second method is that every so often, theme parks are bought and sold. These deals reveal transaction multiples that we then apply to parks of a similar nature.
This is the exchange rate that calibrates prices from different countries to a common frame of reference by adjusting for the cost of living. While there are several different sets of PPP exchange rates in the world, the ones used in our site are those calculated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
PPP rates are more stable than spot exchange rates which fluctuate daily, and have the potential to drop or rise for reasons unrelated to the cost of living, such as trade wars or capital flight.
However, the use of PPP exchange rates is still a matter of some debate! That is why on our detail page we include native currency references as well.
The attractions industry, despite its ripe old age, lacks a common point of reference for data or information. We have heard from many people in the industry about the value in having a central database. Well, here it is.
This is the size of the visitor area and is measured in square meters (sorry, Americans). In the individual park view, you may see the area that was measured.
This stands for theoretical ride capacity, and is a measure of the total number of experiences that can be delivered to park guests, measured as an hourly unit. The capacity for a park is a summation of the capacities of the individual rides, shows, and attractions.
Here, we are only counting capacity where we were able to do so. We do not include the capacity of shows where the seat count was unavailable, or others like fireworks shows or parades with an indefinite number of attendees. Likewise, the capacity of exploratory zones / play areas with an unquantified age range and capacity per hour are excluded.
Right this way.
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